Enjoying Learning, Achieving Success
Support Staff - Mrs Dammes & Mrs Hancock
This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place. You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home.
Term 3: Long Ago
In the Long Ago project your child will learn about their history and how they have changed from when they were babies. They will learn about their family history and heritage and find out what life was like when their grandparents were children. They will learn about what it was like to go to school in the past and how everyday objects, such as clothes, toys and vehicles have changed.
Supporting your child at home
Term 2: Marvellous Machines
In the Marvellous Machines project, your child will learn about technology that is part of their daily lives. They will explore various machines, learn about how machines help us and find out about how machines have changed and developed over time. They will learn about products that use electricity to make them work and explore magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
Supporting your child at home
Term 1: Let's Explore
In the Let’s Explore project, your child will explore their class environment and school grounds so that they feel settled and happy in their new surroundings. They will learn about the local environment and find out about places they have visited on holiday. They will look at and create maps for journeys.
Supporting your child at home
A few reminders...
- Forest School. Please ensure they are wearing long sleeves, trousers/leggings, old trainers or wellies. Please bring a waterproof coat as it can get cool in the forest even at this time of the year.
- Reception ONLY Please return your Reading for Pleasure book on Wednesday. The children will be issued with a new Reading for Pleasure book and will receive their blending book or RWI reading book to practise at home. Please try to practise this book at least 3 times to consolidate the sounds learnt that week.
- Year 1 ONLY Please return your Reading for Pleasure book on Wednesday and your RWI book bag book. Please try to practise this book at least 3 times to consolidate the sounds learnt that week.
- Reception and Year 1 will receive Read Write Inc videos to practise their sounds at home. Please try to access all the videos during the week.
- PE day. Please come to school in PE kit and trainers
Enrichment begins Friday 17th December
Dates for the diary
Open Classroom - date to follow (Spring 2)
Reception & Year 1
Children will receive a Reading for Pleasure book and then a Speed Sounds/Phonics Book every Wednesday. Please practise the Speed Sounds/Phonics book at least 3 times a week. The children have learnt these sounds so the practise is for consolidation so they children should be able to read them quickly and fluently by the end of the week.
You will also receive Read Write Inc videos via Parent Hub on a Wednesday. Please try to watch all the videos during the week.
Year 1 ONLY
Year 1 will also receive 5 spellings each week to practise on a LSCWC sheet and a maths sheet. They will be given the sheets on a Monday and need to be completed and returned the following Monday.
Year 1 spellings
Autumn 1 2024 (Date given out. Given out Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday)
11th September - ai, oi
18th September - ee
25th September - oo
2nd October - oo
9th October - ar
16th October - ay
Autumn 2 2024 (Date given out. Given out Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday)
4th November - oy
11th November - ur
18th November - oe, ow
25th November - oa
2nd December - ou
9th December ow
Spring 1 2025 (Date given out. Given out Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday)
8th January - ew
15th January - ue
22nd January - or
29th January - ore
5th February - ea
12th February - ie
Ladybird Class 2023 -2024
Animal Experience Day!
Wow... what an amazing morning we had when Charlotte brought in lots of animals to meet including: a snake, a tarantula, a cute bunny, a bearded dragon, a chicken, a chameleon, a pigmy hedgehog... to name but a few! The children were soooooooo brave!
This week's learning (week beginning Tuesday 16th April)
In maths we have been learning the names of 3D shapes and finding these shapes around our classroom. We read 'The Naughty Bus' by Jan Oke. We then created our own 'London' using the building blocks and identifying the 3D shapes. The naught bus decided which was his favourite!
The next two weeks are based on the book, The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We have enjoyed reading this and also reading other books such as Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson with butterflies in the story.
Understanding the world
This week, we have learnt about the lifecycle of a caterpillar. We watched a video and then sequenced the life cycle independently.
Art and design
We looked at symmetrical patters and used sponges to create our own symmetrical patterns to create beautiful patterns. More pictures to come...
Exploring Time
We have been busy exploring this week. We have been looking through 'telescopes', jigsaws, lots of writing and some first aid! It's great to be back with our friends.
Forest School
We loved being in the forest this week. Spring has sprung and there are lots of beautiful bluebells and flowers; some children sketched these. The mud kitchen was very popular this week. We cleared the herb garden so we can plant some of the seeds we sewed last term. We played the giant xylophone too!
Term 4
The week's learning (week beginning Monday 25th March)
Open Classroom
It was lovely to welcome our parents into school for Open Classroom. The children enjoyed doing Easter activities, planting sunflowers and exploring with their parents.
Exploring time
The children had great fun during exploring time and even managed to find the ladybird from 'What the ladybird heard'!
Egg Hunt
The Easter bunny paid us a visit and hid our eggs around the forest... he even left us a chocolate treat!
Bassingham's Got Talent Final!
Matilda and William did fantastic in their auditions and got through to the Bassingham's Got Talent finals! Matilda was super brave and sang Taylor Swift and William told us some hilarious jokes - well done to both of you!!!
This week's learning log (Week beginning Monday 18th March)
In maths this week, we have been learning how we can make 10 in 2 parts (6 + 4) and 3 parts (5 + 3 + 2) using the Numicon and how we can arrange 10 objects.
Super sounding out this week in writing. I have seen fantastic improvements in the last 5 weeks. We wrote shopping lists for a garden centre.
All of our children had their Read Write Inc assessment this week. Great progress everyone!
Understanding the world
We read Katie and the sunflowers by James Mayhew then we looked at the lifecycle of a sunflower and completed a cut and stick lifecycle activity.
Art and Design
We worked as a team to make a college of a giant sunflower. We put in on our topic display. Great team work Ladybirds!
Exploring Time
We have been outside a lot this week as the sun has been shining. We have made lots of obstacle courses, the ducks were added to the water table, we have been experimenting with the marble run, junk modelling and we have had the airport out in the small world area.
Forest Time
Another lovely day in the forest. Lots of conservation work looking after our forest such as leaf clearing and weeding, minibeast hunts, tree climbing, leaf rubbing, hide and seek, bug house building, getting very muddy in the mud kitchen and lots of fun!
This week's learning log (week beginning Monday 11th March)
In maths this week, we have been focusing on 1 more and 1 less. During our guided maths group work, we used a 10 frame alongside the book 'Ten in a bed'.
This week we read The Enormous Turnip. In our guided writing sessions, we were describing the characters using our fab phonics! Great sounding out.
Understanding the world
This week we have been learning about the British weather and we made wind socks. On Friday for Comic Relief we were looking at what it is like in Australia (where Bluey is from). We thought about how we would get there, where it was on a world map and compared photographs of Australia's landscape.
Art and Design
Look at our beautiful Mother's Day cards we made last week! I hope all the mummies loved them. This week we colour mixed to paint rainbows and we made wind socks.
Exploring Time
We have been busy this week exploring. We have played schools, made a giant marble run, looked after our environment, lots of independent writing and had lots of fun with our friends!
Gardening time
A big thank you to Dean (Lily's dad) for coming into to do some gardening and make our area look lovely. There were lots of willing helpers!
Forest Time
Another lovely day in the forest with nest building, scavenger hunts, leaf identification and leaf rubbings. Plus 'team leaf' continued to help to clear the forest. Great team work Ladybirds!
Comic Relief
A great day for Comic Relief! Thank you to everyone for joining in.
This week's learning log (Week beginning Monday 4th March)
In maths this week, we have been focusing on the number 9 and 10. We have practising subitising (the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them) and using a ten frame. Next week, we are looking 1 more and 1 less.
We have concluded our beanstalk theme with independent writing about Jasper's Beanstalk - some great sounding out using our phonics! I have seen lots of writing in exploring time too. Next week we are reading The Enormous Turnip.
Understanding the world
We have continued our plant theme. Some wild flowers have been planted outside in Reception area for us all to enjoy. On World Book Day, we learnt about elephants, where they live and the different species.
Art and Design
These are the beautiful paintings from last week. These are flowers picked from our school grounds. Great colour mixing and attention to detail. This week's art is a secret....
Exploring Time
This week, we have been building walls, role playing with our wooden spoon characters and the road workers have been busy digging up the road and directing the traffic! A busy week in the Ladybirds!
World Book Day 2024
What a fantastic day! We focused on the books Elmer by David McKee (well we had to with Mrs Markham dressing as Elmer this year!). We read LOTS of versions of Elmer, practised our cutting and sticking skills and created a class college of Elmer, wrote about why we were unique, coloured in Elmer using our numbers in maths, completed Elmer mazes and learnt all about elephants in the afternoon.
Thank you to all parents and families for your fantastic efforts with costumes and wooden spoons!
I think the children were a little tired by the end of World Book Day...
This Week's Learning Log (Week beginning Monday 26th February):
In maths, we introduced the concept of time and understanding what 1 minute feels like. We took part in activities that lasted a minute to help us understand how long this is. We also read Jasper and the Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to practice our days of the week and sequencing. Some children looked at last week's learning and practised comparing heights.
We have continued with our Jack and the Beanstalk theme this week. On Monday, we planted the magic beans and we are hoping they grow into a beanstalk! In writing, we used our phonics to make a list of the characters and objects in the story. Lots of children also enjoyed doing independent writing during 'Exploring Time'.
Understanding the world
This week we learnt about the lifecycle of plants and ordered this. We also helped to take care of our plants and made sure we watered them.
Art and design
Last week, we learnt to colour mix so this week we mixed new colours and painted spring flowers from around our school grounds choosing our colours carefully.
Our unit of work this term is called ‘Our World’. In this week’s lesson, we listened to Under the Sea by Robbie Williams and then played some notes on the glockenspiels.
Outdoor Learning
Thankfully it was a little bit drier this week! We discussed looking after our environment and lots of children joined ‘Team Leaf’ to start clearing all of the autumn leaves. Mrs Markham was chief raker and the children were in charge of the wheelbarrows! It’s starting to look tidier already. Great team work and cooperation from the Ladybirds. We took part in a ‘Growing plants scavenger hunt’, found different leaves from around the forest to identify them, started to look at the number 9 and 10 ready for next week’s maths. We also spent lots of time exploring, playing hide and seek and making a ‘fire’ to keep us warm in the forest. What a fun day!
Exploring Time (Continious Provision)
Another fun week of exploring… we practiced our fine motor skills sorting ‘magic beans’ using tweezers, built houses, enjoyed writing lists, postcards and invites, explored magnets, sequenced stories and even the doctor came to visit the home corner.
In maths this week, we have learnt about shorter and longer and tallest and shortest. We worked in teams to make 'beanstalks' out of a variety of construction materials to see who could make the tallest and the shortest beanstalk! We also compared who was the shortest and tallest in class and put ourselves in order.
Today we read Jack and the Beanstalk and then we heard a loud bang! We think the giant may have visited our school... leaving muddy footprints, a golden goose egg and 6 magic beans in Reception! Next week, we are going to plant the beans to see what they grow into and also do some writing based on the story.
(Don't worry though... Mr Betts made sure the giant had left the school grounds!)
Understanding the world
This week we learnt the parts of a plant and what is needed for a plant to grow. We set up our own mini investigation to see if they plants need water and if plants need sunlight... we will watch these carefully over the next few weeks. We also planted herb seeds to go near our Nature Cafe outside and tomato seeds to grow in our Discovery Den.
Exploring Time
This week we spent lots of time exploring our Reception area. There was junk modelling, lots of sand, a puppet show and lots of fun!
Outdoor learning
We had a fantastic and very wet day in the forest this week! We labelled parts of a plant, ordered natural objects biggest to smallest, explored the forest, cooked in mud kitchen and got VERY wet and muddy! Can't wait for next week.
Our new topic is 'How does your garden grow?' where we will be focusing on plants and lifecycles. We will enjoy reading Jack and Beanstalk and also The Enormous Turnip in our Talk for Writing sessions. We will be planting herbs next to our new 'Nature's Cafe' and growing tomatoes and potatoes in our new 'Discovery Den' and we will learn what plants need to grow. We will be learning to colour mix and then painting flowers and plants around the school. In maths we will be learning about 'Length, height and time' and focusing on '9 and 10'. In the forest, we will be exploring the season of Spring and also explore linked to our topic of plants! Towards the end of the term we will also learn more about Easter!
Monday - School Uniform
Tuesday - School Uniform
Wednesday - PE kit
Thursday - Warm clothes, wellies, hat, scarf and gloves
Friday - School Uniform
Our class have time to explore the forest and engage in exciting adventures outside every Thursday afternoon. We'll be outside rain or shine so please send your child to school wearing appropriate clothing. The forest can be muddy, so wellies, raincoats and waterproof trousers (ideally snow suits), and clothes you don't mind getting a little (or very) grubby are perfect!
Children will continue with Read Write Inc this term.
All children will receive a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. This is a book for you to read to and share with your child. We do not expect children to be able to read these books.
Most children will receive a blending book or a book bag book. Books will be changed every WEDNESDAY so please make sure they are in school.
All children will receive 'Virtual Classroom' videos via Parent Hub every Wednesday to practise the new sounds at home.
Please also feel free to share lots of other lovely books you have at home. We want to create a love of reading as soon as possible!
Click on the link below to find out more about Read Write Inc at Bassingham Primary School.
We have an extra member of our class - Lucy the Ladybird! She has been getting to know the children over the last few days and is always there for a cuddle! She loves listening to stories and has even enjoyed an afternoon tea in our home corner!
Lucy likes to go home with children on Friday evenings and to come back to school on Mondays! She sits and watches all week before choosing who she would like to go and visit. She loves to join in with whatever children normally do at the weekend - she is not picky. She has a special diary to record the fun times. She loves it if children and their special adults can help fill it up by writing a note about what they have done together, and by maybe adding some photos or drawings.