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Bassingham Primary School

Enjoying Learning, Achieving Success

Magnificent Meerkats

Magnificent Meerkats Class 2023-24!


A warm welcome to the Magnificent Meerkats Year 3 Class.


The Magnificent Meerkats are taught by Mrs. Brown and supported by Mrs. Symonds.


On our class page, we will celebrate our wonderful learning and there will be important information too.



Meet the Teacher 2023


Welcome to Class 3 - The Magnificent Meerkats!



Information for week beginning 8th July:          


We will be having our spelling test on Monday. Just as a reminder, the spellings that will be tested this week are as follows:


Superstars: (Consolidating) accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.


Amazing Aces: (Personalised spellings).


New spellings are being given out on Monday for a spelling test on Monday 15th July The new spellings for this week are as follows:


Superstars: (Consolidating) forward, forwards, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart, height.


Amazing Aces: (Consolidating from this half term’s spellings) city, any, bridge, pupil, brother, money, nostril, fudge, fancy, clothes.


Our times tables test will take place on Friday: If your child had their Homework (Dinosaur) Journal in school on Friday, I have written in there which times table(s) they will be tested on this week. 


PE will continue to take place on Mondays this term.


Here are a few regular routines in Class 3:


Our spelling test takes place on Mondays each week.

PE takes place with Synergy Sports on Mondays

New homework and spellings are given out on Tuesdays and to be handed in by the following Monday (Please scroll down for homework information).

Times tables tests take place on Fridays

Enrichment will be taking place on Friday afternoons this half term.



All homework will be given out on Tuesdays and is to be handed in by the following Monday (it can be handed in earlier if completed). Please find the homework expectations below.


Reading Homework (weekly)


  • Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week (daily would be preferred though)
  • Parents/carers will need to sign/comment in the reading diary
  • Children are expected to complete a 60 Second Reads comprehension sheet


Spelling Homework (weekly)


  • Linked directly to spellings covered in class
  • 10 new spellings each week
  • New Homework: Look Say Cover Write Check sheet to complete at home 
  • These will be copied into children’s diaries and on the class webpage
  • Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum
  • Each week, children will complete a spelling test on a Monday


Maths Homework (weekly)


  • Spend a minimum of 10 minutes per week on TTRockStars on Single Player: Garage (as this is teacher set to the current times table(s) your child is practising). Children may also access any of the other activities on TTRockstars additionally.
  • Practice regularly through the week for our weekly times tables test on a Friday.
  • Children will write in their diary which times table they are required to learn for the following week.


Children will be rewarded by moving into gold for completing their weekly homework. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the Year 3 homework system.









Each week, our spelling test will take place on a Monday afternoon. New spellings will be given out  on Tuesdays. Our first spellings will be given out on Tuesday 12th September with our spelling test taking place on the following Monday.


Times Tables

Our times tables tests will take place during our Maths lessons on Friday mornings (beginning on Friday 15th September). We will begin with the 10 x table.



The children will have a P.E. lesson on Monday mornings with Coach Ryan from Synergy Sport. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their outdoor P.E. kit on Mondays.


Monday Mornings

The children will be taught by Mrs. Richardson during Monday mornings (along with their Synergy Sport P.E. lesson). For the remainder of the week, Mrs. Brown will teach the class.


Reading Books and Homework Diaries

Please ensure your child brings their reading book and homework diary to school every day. The children may need their reading books to read with an adult in school and their homework diaries to practise spellings and record notes/messages.


Snacks at Break

Now the children are in Key Stage 2, they will not have fruit snacks provided at morning break.  Please ensure your child brings fruit/vegetables if you wish for them to have a snack.



Reading - Reading regularly is really important to help you with your learning and it is really fun too. You need to read your school reading book which you bring home from school and books you have at home too.


Reading Homework (weekly)


  • Children are expected to read at least 5 times per week
  • Parents/carers will need to sign/comment in the reading diary
  • New Homework: Children are expected to complete a 60 Second Reads comprehension sheet


Spelling Homework (weekly)


  • Linked directly to spellings covered in class
  • 10 new spellings each week
  • Look Say Cover Write Check sheet to complete at home (instead of Spelling Sentences)
  • These will be copied into children’s diaries and on the class webpage
  • Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum
  • Each week, children will complete a spelling test on a Monday


Maths Homework (weekly)


  • Spend a minimum of 10 minutes per week on TTRockStars on Single Player: Garage (as this is teacher set). Children may also access any of the other activities on TTRockstars additionally.
  • Practice regularly through the week for our weekly times tables test on a Friday.
  • Children will write in their diary which times table they are required to learn.


Homework will be handed out on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Monday. Children will be rewarded by moving into gold for completing their weekly homework. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the Year 3 homework system.



Useful links

Click on the links below for useful resources for homework. Log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash will be stuck into homework diaries shortly.

Our Topics 2022-23


Autumn 1 - Gods and Mortals (Ancient Greece)


Autumn 2 -  Mighty Metals


Spring  - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles


Summer - Emperors and Empires

Autumn 1 - Gods and Mortals


Discover a fantastical world full of mythical creatures and legendary heroes. Explore the terrains of Greece, where in pure blue skies, the Sun scorches waxen wings and melts the fortunes of Icarus and Daedalus. Then decide your own fate when a mysterious box is found and stirs your curious mind.

Mighty Metals - Autumn 2


You’re an engineer, a scientist, a maker of people (iron people, of course). Explore the scientific world of forces. Expand your mind as you test and trial, build and move. Then, meet Hogarth the Iron Man’s companion. The Iron Man wants a friend. Can you build him one? You must make him strong, sturdy and ready to rumble. 



Spring Term - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles


In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, you will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. You will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. You will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. You will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. You will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.

Summer Term - Emperors and Empires


In the Emperors and Empires project, you will learn about the growth and decline of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. You will discover the absolute power of the Roman emperors and study the hierarchies of Roman society and the Roman army. You will study the first invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC and the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43. You will learn about Boudicca’s rebellion, Hadrian’s Wall and the Romanisation of Britain, including how Christianity came to Britain and investigate the legacy of Roman Britain in our local area.


