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Bassingham Primary School

Enjoying Learning, Achieving Success

Resilient Robins

Welcome to the Resilient Robins!



A warm welcome to the Resilient Robins Class page.


Our Resilient Robins Year 6 class are taught by Miss Wiltshire and supported by Mrs Richardson.


This page will showcase the amazing work that has been taking place in class and also have important information.

Important information for week beginning 2/9/24


Monday 2nd September - INSET day

Tuesday 3rd September - INSET day

Wednesday 4th September - first day of the new school year


**Advance date**

Monday 9th September - African drumming workshop for the start of our new topic. Children can wear bright-coloured clothing that is also appropriate for PE. Please pay for this on ParentPay. Many thanks.



To be tested on Monday 16th September:













Timetable from Autumn 1 2024


Monday - Spelling test and PE lesson. Homework handed in.

Tuesday - New spellings given to children. Homework handed out.

Friday - Times table test - all of the times tables up to 12 x 12.


Please remember your water bottle, diary and reading book everyday smiley.

Long Term Plan Resilient Robins 2024-2025

Autumn Term - Maafa


In the Maafa project, you will learn about Africa today and the ancient kingdoms that thrived on the continent for thousands of years. You will learn about the origins of the transatlantic slave trade in the 15th century and Britain’s involvement from the time of Elizabeth I, when John Hawkins became the first British slave trader. You will understand the structure of the transatlantic slave trade and the consequences of enslavement for enslaved people. You will also discover how the people of Britain benefited from the money and goods produced by the slave trade. You will learn about the causes and consequences of the abolition of slavery in the 19th century, the worldwide African diaspora and the European colonisation in Africa. You will explore the lives and actions of black people in 20th century Britain. You will understand how the Race Relations Act of 1965 became the first piece of British legislation to tackle racial discrimination and know that the Equality Act 2010 provides people with protection against racism and other forms of discrimination, today. You will also explore the lives of black people who have made significant contributions to Britain and will celebrate black culture in Britain today.

Useful links for online learning:

Year 6 2023-2024:

Homework: (From February Half Term)

Children will now have CGP books for Maths, SPAG and Reading for their homework. They will bring the books home each week to complete the set pages. A timetable is below to show which pages are to be completed which week. These will be marked on a Monday (hand in day). Children will continue to receive weekly spellings for a test every Monday.

Meet the Teacher 2023

Leavers' Video

Still image for this video

Leavers' Video

Still image for this video

Leavers' Video

Still image for this video

Leavers' Video

Still image for this video

Summer Term - Britain at War

In the Britain at War project, you will learn about the main causes of the First World War and which countries were the major players. You will investigate why so many men volunteered to fight and then sequence the events at the start of the war. Using various sources of evidence, you will learn about life in the trenches and the consequences of new weaponry. You will listen to first-hand accounts of life on the home front and evaluate the impact of war on everyday life. They will also discover the events that led to the Allied Powers’ victory and the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. You will also learn about the causes and main events of the Second World War. You will find out how Britain prepared itself for war and the war’s impact on civilian life. You will learn about the Battle of Britain and how it proved to be a key turning point for the Allied Powers. You will also hear about Anne Frank and discover what her story tells us about the treatment of Jewish people by the Nazi Party. You will research the causes and consequences of the end of the Second World War and investigate the legacy of the wars in Britain. Closer to home, you will research the life of a local First World War hero who sacrificed their life fighting for Britain. You will also investigate the legacy of these global conflicts in the post-war period.

Spring Term - Frozen Kingdoms


In the Frozen Kingdoms project, you will learn about the regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. You will learn about the similarities and differences between these two regions, including the climate, landscape and natural resources. You will learn how to use grid references, lines of latitude and longitude, contour lines and symbols to identify the geographical locations of the Arctic and Antarctic, and how these, along with the tilt of the Earth, affect day length and warmth. You will investigate polar oceans to learn how they differ from other oceans on Earth and how climate change increases Earth's temperature and leads to rising sea levels. You will learn about the indigenous people of the Arctic, including how their lives have changed over time, and about the positives and negatives of tourism in Antarctica. You will also learn about classifying animals, animal adaptations and evolution, and polar exploration and discovery.

Autumn 2 - Darwin's Delights


We’re off on an exciting expedition with Charles Darwin and his crew on HMS Beagle. Can you trace his route across the vast ocean? Stop at the magical Galápagos Islands to see the amazing species that helped Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution. See how animals adapt to their environments over time and meet some of the world’s greatest explorers. Let’s set sail.

Darwin's Delight Wow Day - Strawberry DNA

Autumn 1 - Revolution


Are you listening? What is 27 plus 45? Come on, faster now. We haven’t got all day. Find out about super strict schools by travelling back in time to a Victorian classroom. Make sure that you’re on your best behaviour though, as punishments are unquestionably terrible. Discover a time when great minds thought new thoughts and ingenious inventors created so many things that we take for granted today: the electric light bulb, the telephone and the first flushing toilet. Let’s forge ahead to research a time when Victoria was Queen and Albert was Prince Consort, and when some people lived in slums while others prospered. Full steam ahead to the Victorian age.

Homework: (From February Half Term)

Children will now have CGP books for Maths, SPAG and Reading for their homework. They will bring the books home each week to complete the set pages. A timetable is below to show which pages are to be completed which week. These will be marked on a Monday (hand in day). Children will continue to receive weekly spellings for a test every Monday.
