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Bassingham Primary School

Enjoying Learning, Achieving Success

Terrific Tigers

Welcome to The Terrific Tigers Class!



Welcome to The Terrific Tigers Class!


This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place. You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home.  


Teacher: Mrs Ann Gowrley








Class Routines


  • Show and tell 
  • Spelling test 





  • Change reading book



  • P.E. (please come to school in your P.E. kit).






Class Information



P.E. Lessons

We have our P.E. lessons on Thursday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.




New spellings will be placed into homework folders on the Look, Cover, Write, Check worksheet each Monday for children to practice at home for a spelling test the following Monday. These spellings incorporate 8 words from the previous week’s phonics lessons and 2 common exception words. Spellings will also be shared weekly via the class website page. Children then need to choose 3 of the new spellings and put these into sentences on their homework sheet. Children must write their own sentences and not copy from an adult. Please use a pencil and concentrate on neat handwriting, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.



A weekly Classroom Secrets homework sheet linked to the maths focus for the week can also be found within homework folders.



It is really important to read for pleasure regularly at home. Please read the book that you take home from school as well as the books you have at home too. Try to read for a few minutes every day. All children also have books uploaded on Bug Club (Active Learn).


Purple Mash

There are lots of activities and tasks on Purple Mash, which we use for our Computing Curriculum that children can enjoy at home. Your child's login can be found in their homework folder.


Spellings for spelling test Monday 1st July



















Superhero WOW Day


We have had a fantastic fun filled WOW day! We have designed our own Superhero costumes, made Superhero biscuits and masks and had a super Superhero hunt.



Our topic for this term is

School Days

On Monday, 22nd April we are having a Victorian School Day themed WOW Day in school to start our new topic. Children will taking part in a traditional Victorian Class exploring what school was like in Victorian times. Children can come dressed in Victorian style clothing for the day.


In the School Days project, your child will have the opportunity to take part in a traditional Victorian class and will learn about the differences between schooling in the Victorian era and schooling today. They will learn about objects found in a Victorian classroom and how they were used. They will research Samuel Wilderspin, an important figure in the development of schooling for young children in the Victorian era, whose ideals are reflected in schooling today. They will learn to describe the passage of time through study of past, present and future tense vocabulary.







Additional Home Activities
